Cable and wires for mechanical and plant engineering have formed the cornerstone of our company from the very beginning. Our wide product range offers suitable solutions for all requirements in mechanical and plant engineering. There is unlikely to be an industrial application for which we have not already developed a solution.
Mechanical and plant engineering in Germany holds a key position in the German economy. The industry continues to employ one the largest workforces in the country, takes a leading role in exports and is responsible for the excellent reputation enjoyed worldwide by the "Made in Germany" label. As the global market leader for high-performance, efficient, reliable and innovative connection solutions in mechanical engineering, LAPP is contributing to this success story.
A look into a modern factory reveals change: robots dominate the scene – when handling parts, welding, cutting and screwing. Automated guided vehicles move stoically along their routes as if by magic. Everything is finely coordinated and meticulously planned. In such an environment, even the smallest of components must function with the greatest reliability. This is because even a brief component failure disrupts the process, causing time and resources to be wasted. The robust design of all LAPP components reduces the risk of failure in a targeted manner.
As your partner for high-performance, efficient, reliable and innovative solutions in the field of cable technology for mechanical engineering, we are playing our part in maintaining the reliability of "Made in Germany". This is achieved with special solutions for various industries and a high level of expertise in automation technology, the food industry and railway technology.