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Voltage drop and power calculator

Our online tools for your calculations

The digital tools from LAPP provide you with four calculators for determining voltage drop and current or power values. This means that you can perform your calculations online at any time and order suitable products in our online shop.

I =Pcos(ø)3U
P =I3Ucos(ø)
Calculator for current and power in the three-phase current (AC) circuit
ΔU =(%)cos(ø)3ILUσS100
Calculation basis: copper 58 MS/m or aluminium 38.2 MS/m
Calculator for voltage drop in the three-phase current (AC) circuit
Calculator for current and power in the direct current (DC) circuit
ΔU =(%)1002ILUσS
Calculation basis: copper 58 MS/m or aluminium 38.2 MS/m
Calculator for voltage drop in the direct current (DC) circuit


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