AS-i (Actuator Sensor Interface) is the world’s only standardised Fieldbus system for the lower process level. Using just one port and only one cable with two buffered fibres, this simple connection system can network up to 31 sensors and actuators/AS-i modules with the controller level. In this context, the AS-i cable is responsible not only for exchanging data, but also for supplying power to the slaves. A cyclic transfer rate of ≤ 5 ms can be achieved here with a cable length of 100 m. As a result, this open industry standard (which is not tied to a specific manufacturer) enables fast, efficient cabling in industrial automation, which ultimately reduces costs.
The AS International Association e.V. promotes the expansion and standardisation of the AS-i protocol standard. LAPP is a member of this association and plays an active role in further developing the standard.