
ÖLFLEX® CONNECT kábellánc-konfigurátor

Az energialáncokat nem polcról vásároljuk

Napjainkban számtalan olyan alkalmazás létezik, ahol a mozgó gépalkatrészeket folyamatosan energiával, adatokkal vagy médiumokkal, például levegővel, vízzel és olajjal kell ellátni. Az úgynevezett energialánc-rendszereket a legkülönbözőbb gépekbe szerelik be, használják a termékgyártásban, de tisztán ipari környezeteken kívül is, például csarnokkapukhoz. ÖLFLEX® CONNECT energialánc-konfigurátorunk lépésről lépésre végigkíséri Önt az energialánc-tervezésben. Ön dönti el, hogy az energialáncot kábelekkel kész állapotban, a mellékelt kábelekkel vagy teljesen kábelek nélkül kell-e szállítani. 

Click here to go to the configurator

Select the cables, then specify the application environment and choose the appropriate cable chain system: you will receive an individual chain configuration indicating clear dimensions and the used components.

Configuration options

  • LAPP cables (power and control cables or data cables)
  • Select media hoses where applicable
  • Horizontal, vertical or sliding application (with guide channel)
  • Fixed point placement
  • Travel distance
  • Distance to the fixed point
  • Minimum bending radius (depending on the selected cables)
  • Choose material for the chain: plastic or steel (alternatively, frame rods and covers made of aluminium are also available for some models)
  • Select the SILVYN® CHAIN model


It is not necessary to select exclusively LAPP cables for the configuration of a cable chain. However, if no cables need to be added, it is advantageous if you can specify the expected cable load in order to configure a cable chain suitable for your application.

The benefits to you

Feasibility check

Of course, your configuration will be thoroughly checked by our technical sales team before the commissioning. 

All articles at a glance

The required product components are compiled by type and number.

Non-binding quotation

Send off the configuration and you will be sent price and delivery information in no time at all.

Live preview of the assembly

Visualisation of the configured cable chain system as a technical drawing to check your information.

Why should the cables be selected first before configuring a cable chain?

The cable chain serves for protection and guiding of flexible cables and hoses installed in a cable chain. For this reason, chains must always be designed in accordance with cable/hose features and not the other way round. The more precisely the cables/hoses to be used can be defined, the better. 

Which bending radius should be chosen for the cable chain?

In order to define the bending radius of a cable chain, you must identify which of the cables or hoses to be installed is the least flexible. The bending radius of the chain must be at least as large as the highest bending radius of the cables or hoses.

Which cables are suitable for cable chains?

Cables suitable for cable chains are those that can withstand the strong bending and continuous movements of a cable chain application. The structure and material properties of a cable have an impact on the mobility and bending degree of the cable. Ultimately, this defines whether the cable is suitable for this type of application or not.