
Product Master Data

Electronic catalogues at LAPP

Electronic catalogues, or eCatalogues for short, now form the basis for electronic procurement. Electronic catalogues have also long since become standard in the provision of product data for trading platforms and marketplaces. eBusiness standards are used to ensure the smooth and efficient exchange of product data. These standards enable data to be passed on quickly and efficiently. Another important factor is the ability to automate all downstream ordering processes. Common standards are

  • the catalogue formats BMEcat 1.2 and BMEcat 2005 - also according to ETIM guideline 5.0, excel or csv
  • the classification systems ETIM, ECLASS, UNSPSC,...
  • the price list format DATANORM


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Why BMEcat?

Advantages of BMEcat at a glance

Advantages of BMEcat
  • Time savings at data capture and transfer
  • Cost reduction
  • Improvement of master data quality
  • Can be combined with classifications such as ETIM, eCl@ss or UNSPSC
  • Extensive article information in one file

Advantages to you

  • Fast processing of product data
  • Probability of errors during transfer reduced
  • Up-to-date and individual product prices in your system
  • The complete LAPP range in your system!


(Only available in Germany)

The Datanorm was developed as a data format to ensure data exchange between manufacturers, distributors and end customers.

At present, we at U.I.Lapp GmbH use Datanorm 4.

Request Datanorm

Advantages of Datanorm

  • Compatible with inventory management systems
  • Cost reduction
  • Price security
  • Improvement of master data quality

The benefit for you

  • Data can be transferred to your inventory management system immediately
  • Describe the most important features for all catalogue items (tariff number, country of origin, EAN, etc.)
  • Catalogue prices, discounts, net prices of the LAPP range in your system
  • Copper surcharges for cables and wires
  • Easy updating for new catalogue items.
  • Fast creation of Datanorm 4 by U.I. LAPP